Saturday, 7 July 2007

Pig hunting

yesterday I went pig hunting for the first time!!!!! It was very fun I'll tell you the whole story

Finally we arrived after about a hours drive. We let out two of the dogs Huston and butch they ran off up the hill. After about two minutes later the dogs started to bail. Then Joesph,Dylan and I went up the hill to see if they had caught anything. We couldn't see any sign of a pig only tracks. So we got into the truck and drove up the road a bit then we got out and put the tracking system on and listened and herd nothing. they kept on bailing. [bailing.barking at an animal such as a pig ] Then Huston came running back with Butch behind him must have been a small one. I was up on the back of the truck with Dylan and the dogs then I noticed Huston had a cut on his nose I told Joesph he said "It's only a cut from running through the trees."Then we went for a drive up the hill we would stop every now and then. We kept going up until we came to a load of fallen down trees so we had to turn around. We stopped at a dip and let the dogs go.
We sat at there for a few hours. Mark was whistling and calling but they just didn't come, Mark said that we I can't be stuffed waiting any longer so we went looking again with Jip and Mack. we did a big climb up the hill it wasn't that hard we went down a hill and over a bridge then Joesph and I sat down on a rock and waited it wasn't very long before they appeared out of the trees.We walked on flat ground for a wee while then John said to Mark you can come back now I am just a few yards away so we all walked over to the truck. John found butch when we where going home one of Mark's friends found the dog. Then we had a safe trip home. It was fun even though we didn't catch anything!!


Moturoa said...

I'm pleased you explained what bailing was- I hadn't heard of that before. I sort of guessed what it meant though from what you were saying.

How can you have a tracking thing on- are you tracking the dogs by GPS or something?

Going pig hunting yesterday I hope that you were dressed up warm- it was VERY cold here in town.

What would you have done if you had caught a pig? Do they try and shoot it? If you shoot it what do you do with it? Does someone carry it home and make it into pork chops?

You wrote your recount of your day out really well.

Miss K

Moturoa said...

I was thinking you could do what Elliott does sometimes and copy and paste this blog entry into your Blogmeister blog so your readers who use that could read about the pig hunt as well.

It was so well written it deserves to be shared more widely.

Miss k

kieran said...

we used a collar that had a aerial on it and the system had an aerial and they would connect and the system would beep. If the beep got louder they where getting closer.

Moturoa said...

Gosh that's pretty high tech for pig hunting- it wouldn't be a cheap sport then would it! You would have to pay for and feed the dogs- I suppose you would need a few- you would have all the expenses of getting all your gear sorted and the tracker thing as well which couldn't have come cheap!

And then the dog could get lost and you would lose the dog and the tracking thing on it as well.

Miss K

Did you let the Voki people put your pig on their home page???? That was so cool!

shania rocks said...

good very longgggggggggggg

Anonymous said...

What a great recount. I have never been pig hunting, but you make it sound really exciting- a great piece of writing!
You could look at my blog at:

Keep up the good posting Kieran!!

Mr F