Monday, 18 June 2007

Pig hunting

My uncle went pig hunting and caught FIVE PIGS that's quite alot eh. He caught a few little ones and a big one it was about 52 kgs. I had to help my cousin put it up on the back of the truck.


Moturoa said...

That is quite a pig. Did you see that news story about a boy who shot a HUGE pig. I kept the photo- the pig was gi-normous!

Miss K

Moturoa said...

Would you like me to add your blog to our class blog so more people would know you are on line?

You could get more comments that way.

We could put a hit counter on your blog if you like! With a map on would be nice.

Let me know if you would like that.

Miss K

Moturoa said...

cool pig kieran, nice blog

by oscar

kieran said...

yes I did see the big pig. It would be nice of you could do all that for me.

Elliott said...

sounds really fun I copied the jump rope for heart post off your blog if that was ok
Great blog!!!

By Elliott